Succeed With Small Business Coaching

The odds are stacked against SMB owners. Most fail within the first few years. There are many reasons for this, but ultimately, it comes down to bad decision-making and ineffectual leadership. Small business coaching within a peer group network can dramatically raise the odds of success.

CEO Global Network comprises leaders from diverse industries and backgrounds, all sharing the same challenges and opportunities. Gain access to a collaborative environment of shared wisdom and new insights to help you overcome the current and emerging challenges all commercial enterprises face. Find mentors who can act as advisors and a sounding board for strategies to tackle tough decisions.

Navigate the complexities of business with confidence and clarity. Become better equipped with the tools, strategies, and peer support to make smarter choices and steer your organization toward long-term success. Apply for membership today for small business advice that makes a difference.

Why Do Most SMBs Struggle?

Most founders who have built a successful company will tell you that getting there wasn't easy. Few keep the doors open longer than ten years, and achieving profitability is elusive for many. There are several reasons why owners struggle, including:

Lack of Capital:

Capital can run out quickly. Insufficient funds for operational expenses or unexpected financial setbacks are the primary cause of failure.

Poor Cash Flow Management:

Mismanagement of incoming and outgoing funds can prevent groups from meeting financial obligations.

Lack of Capital:

Capital can run out quickly. Insufficient funds for operational expenses or unexpected financial setbacks are the primary cause of failure.

Lack of a Clear Plan:

A clear, actionable plan must be implemented for many operational aspects, including budgeting, growth, market strategies, and more. Companies operate aimlessly without it and will likely fold once capital runs out.

Inability to Adapt:

New business models and technologies are causing unprecedented disruptions. Companies need to adapt and find innovative solutions to the constant challenges. Staying ahead of consumer trends must also be prioritized, or an enterprise will quickly fall behind.

Weak Leadership:

Poor decision-making is a leading cause of failure. Good leaders need a vision they can impart to the team and the ability to inspire them to realize it. The right strategies must be implemented to overcome challenges, take advantage of new opportunities, and sustainably expand operations.

Hiring the Wrong Team:

Good leaders must know how to identify and develop their A-Team. Acquiring unqualified employees hinders productivity and leads to poor performance, ultimately resulting in unsatisfied customers.

Failure to Manage Growth:

Some organizations grow too rapidly without the infrastructure or systems to manage it. Operational costs can be too high to make a profit, leading to more debt that is difficult to recover from.

Legal or Regulatory Issues:

Non-compliance with industry regulations, tax laws, or employee laws can lead to fines, lawsuits, or shutdowns. A business coach is invaluable for guidance in these matters.

Lack of Feedback Is Detrimental to Founders

Another reason why founders of SMBs struggle is a need for more feedback. Customer reviews and employee surveys are great resources, but input from peers in similar roles provides invaluable help in refining their decision-making and avoiding common pitfalls. This type of feedback is crucial for developing effective strategies and fostering growth. A peer group network of CEOs and founders like you is the best place to get this feedback.

CEO Global Network is a peer networking organization composed of leaders from some of the fastest-growing brands in Canada and beyond. Members share their experiences and insights to benefit the organization as a whole. A tailored leadership training curriculum and personalized mentorships act as small business coaching for founders who otherwise would be alone in figuring things out through trial and error.

Being at the top doesn't mean being alone when you have a peer network. Owners cannot always ask their subordinates for feedback on issues or turn to them for the best advice. Top executives and leaders share the same challenges and opportunities and can provide a much deeper level of commiseration or support. Shared wisdom among fellow founders helps members avoid the common pitfalls that derail many small operations, such as poor cash flow management, ineffective leadership, or inadequate market positioning.

Moreover, peer network groups foster accountability and personal growth. As members work together to overcome shared obstacles, they push each other to raise their leadership standards and continuously improve their practices. With regular feedback and support, founders can more easily identify blind spots, develop new strategies, and focus on achieving their goals. This kind of ongoing coaching from peers helps founders build a strong foundation for long-term success, ultimately raising their chances of thriving in a competitive market.

What Kind of Candidates Should Apply for Membership?

Founders and owners who desire to improve their leadership skills or are concerned about where their company will be a year from now should apply. Our mission is the continuous growth and development of leaders. We believe that reaching the top of our professional lives is an ongoing process and that there is always room for improvement.

Have you made decisions in the past year that you wish you could reverse? Are you worried you're not taking full advantage of changing market dynamics, consumer trends, or emerging technology? Thoughtful concerns like these indicate wanting to embrace change and the positive transformation possible with an advisor. Advice from people in similar leadership roles will provide actionable insights into all the questions keeping you up at night. Some of the most common reasons owners may want to work with a coach include:

  • Plan for future challenges and overcome current crises.
  • Gain new leadership skills or sharpen existing ones.
  • Establish a workplace culture of accountability, respect, and productivity.
  • Get a fresh perspective on what may be holding the organization back from reaching the next level.
  • Solve specific problems within the company.

What is Involved With SMB Coaching?

A business coach or advisor helps entrepreneurs identify goals for their enterprise and implement plans of action to achieve them. At CEO Global Network, advisors come in many shapes and forms, including personal mentors and a peer group with fresh insights and various experiences to share.

Finding coaching that will make an impact on your unique circumstances begins with an assessment. We start with a questionnaire that identifies your goals, concerns, type of company, and more to determine the right curriculum and learning groups to assign. Mentorships and classes are held regularly, and attendees are held accountable for showing progress and understanding of topics. Speaking events designed to give advice to smaller organizations are scheduled throughout the year and feature leaders from various industries and backgrounds.

Tailored curriculum and mentorships provide advice specifically regarding members' goals and struggles. Go beyond theory with practical advice and skills training that can be implemented immediately. Find experiences and insights that shed new light on your challenges. Advisors who are also your peers will deliver the solutions you seek.

Get the Most Out of Your Coach

Coaching for small and medium-sized organizations can be personalized to help founders solve specific challenges within their industry and organizations. The personalization allows you to get the most out of your time and unlock insights and resources for unparalleled success. While coaches don't demand you do as they say or make the choices they dictate, their unique perspective reveal alternative ways to move forward. Past experiences like yours guide you to the best options and tools in various situations. An extensive network of peers acts as a sounding board to test new ideas and strategies, delivering an external perspective on various issues.

Learners can also implement strategic steps during their time with us to ensure they get the most out of their investment:

  • Define Goals: Every process should begin with a defined goal. Establish a clear, measurable outcome you want to achieve before meeting with a business advisor. Having an objective to aspire to, whether it's scaling operations, boosting leadership skills, or streamlining human relations, will have more of an impact than generic small business advice. Participants should also establish the timeline on which they want their goals achieved to help align coaching efforts with broader strategic plans.
  • Be Open and Transparent: Opening up about challenges and weaknesses is integral. Be honest about struggles, and don't worry about being judged. Your peers have all faced similar challenges or are currently facing them, including financial troubles, leadership gaps, and problems with team dynamics. The more you give, the more a business coach can provide in return.
  • Prepare for Coaching Sessions: Come to every session, event, or luncheon with an agenda in mind. Prepare a list of topics or questions to get the most from your business advisor's expertise. Keep track of past discussions and constantly review to ensure continuity and focus.
  • Take Action and Implement Feedback: Participants are accountable for their progress. They should implement their learned advice and strategies and track their performance. Be open to feedback or criticism and use it to hone processes for further success.
  • Be Willing to Experiment and Adapt: Be willing to try new approaches. A business coach may suggest ideas that seem counterintuitive or completely different than your usual methods. One of the most significant benefits of small business coaching is the new perspectives and fresh approaches to challenges. Being willing to experiment and adapt can result in more growth if your organization has stalled or plateaued.
  • Seek Long-Term Development, Not Quick Fixes: Focus on sustainable growth rather than expect overnight success. SMB owners should work with their business coach to build long-term strategies. Many of the skills gained can enhance operations today and tomorrow. Improved leadership abilities, including communication and decision-making, are crucial for a company's long-term success and immediately impact morale and productivity.
  • Track ROI from Business Coaching: Participants can assess the return on investment from small business coaching. Measure business improvements by tracking revenue growth, customer acquisition, and employee satisfaction.

Find SMB Advisors Who Will Have an Impact on Your Business

Being a small business owner can feel lonely and overwhelming. The odds of failure are high with so much economic uncertainty and mounting business challenges. Look for small business advice from a peer network who understands your responsibilities and pressures. Our members come from diverse industries and backgrounds, but all have unique experiences and insights to share. Gain a fresh perspective with small business coaching tailored to your issues, including one-on-one mentorships, group classes, and exclusive events. Access a thought bank directly suited to your professional role and challenges to achieve your goals and take your organization to the next level. Contact CEO Global Network and find SMB advisors who will positively impact your organization.