Senior Executive Peer Groups

Our Senior Executive Peer Group Curriculum

The CEO Global Network Senior Executive program is a game-changer for our CEO Members, delivering a powerful team development opportunity that propels the analytical tools, leadership expertise, and management abilities of their senior executives to new heights. Through our expertly crafted program, participants will acquire essential skills that are guaranteed to make a meaningful and substantial impact on the success of CEO Member companies.

Monthly confidential half-day sessions are led by an experienced Group Leader in groups of up to 16 non-competing CEO Members. Within these sessions, challenges and opportunities are shared between Members, with the knowledge and experience of other Members accessed for suggestion and action. Group accountability helps ensure progress towards each Member’s highest priority goals. Within this environment, Members bring discussion topics – both business and personal – to a group of caring and experienced peers. Here, feedback is received that cannot be accessed anywhere else.

Confidential, one-to-one, two-hour sessions occur monthly between each Member and their Group Leader. During these meetings, Members focus on the issues most vital to their success and growth, their company’s success, and their overall personal success. The focus is on the next actionable steps, and accountability to their Group Leader for their completion.

CEO Global Network provides Members with numerous opportunities to participate in exclusive learning and networking events outside their Groups, including keynotes and workshops presented by world-class thought leaders. View our events

Members are encouraged to complete an Emotional Intelligence (EI) Self-Assessment – which reflects the ability to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self and others and is measured by an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ-i). Studies have shown that EI is twice as important as both IQ and technical skill for jobs at all levels.

A 360-degree leadership assessment that incorporates the proven principles of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® and enables individuals to measure their leadership competencies and act on their discoveries.

The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership is a registered trademark of James M Kouzes and Barry Z Posner, authors of The Leadership Challenge.

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Is CEO Global Network Right For You?

Faster growth and greater success come from learning from others who have walked a similar path. At the top, every leader’s opportunities and challenges are the same.