CEO Peer Group in Wheatley, Ontario

Make advancements as a company leader with useful perspectives from a CEO networking group. Refining skills facilitates expansion and sets you up for continued success in any industry.

Learn From Other Executives in the Same Position

CEOs need to continue learning about their business and how to become better leaders. Expedite personal development and achieve career goals with CEO Global Network. Join our CEO peer networking group to get to know and acquire insights from local business executives. Assess your leadership style and make significant strides by honing a specific skill set. Here, you will connect with mentors whose extensive knowledge will let you make strides at your business.

Some of the mentorship advantages you can expect to receive include the following:

  • Monthly Confidential Half-Day Sessions
  • Monthly Confidential One-to-One, Two-Hour Sessions
  • Networking and Learning Opportunities
  • Emotional Intelligence (EI) Assessment
  • Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI 360)

It's normal to feel lonely at the forefront of a company with little opportunity of alleviating the responsibilities of leadership or learning from like-minded individuals. CEO peer groups provide a supportive network of executives who understand the challenges and sentiments of overseeing operations. Grow a professional network and develop knowledge with peers you can authentically speak to and learn from.

Mentoring works better when it's tailored toward unique goals and styles of running a business. While there are many professionals from diverse industries in a CEO peer group, we'll provide assistance in finding those who can best bring out your natural talents to grow as a leader. We assess personalities and goals to make a customized curriculum and mentorship program that will help you reach the next level.

The concerns of operating a business and organizing employees make it hard to take a step back and observe things with fresh eyes. Coming up with strategies that assess things from other angles and perspectives is essential to being an innovative leader. Rely on the extensive experience and insights collected in a CEO networking group to find ways to make a organization more streamlined and effective at what it does.

Advance in business with our one-on-one mentorship programs and peer group curriculum. Boost your leadership skills by developing better ways of strategizing, critical thinking, communication, and deployment. With the right networking group, strengthening leadership qualities is possible.

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Learn From Local CEOs

Obtain a competitive edge as a member of a local peer networking group for CEOs. Turn into a better leader with the support of a social network and add value to your business with a enhanced skill set. Go with CEO Global Network to meet other executives who have derived value in uplifting each other.